Calf Equipment and Milk Replacer
Several formulations of Milk Replacer and colostrum replacers with exclusive formulas that mix easily and are highly palatable. IBA’s Rapid Start Plus colostrum replacer includes First Defense technology that eliminates the need to give a First Defense bolus!
- Specialty Calf Products
- Calf Feeders

Forage Preservation
The highest quality forage preservatives available to include IBA’s Opti-Sile Advance CS/L or Opti-Sile Pro dry concentrate, Crop Cure, IBA Forage Enhance-R and PRESERVOR, a patented, exclusive hay preservative that outperforms propionic acid.
IBA also handles TMR Enhance-R Plus which increases feed intake and utilization during stressful times.
- IBA Opti-Sile Pro
- IBA Opti-Sile Advanced
- IBA Fresh-Ensile
- Organic Silage
- Crop Cure and CC-2
- IBA Forage Enhance-R
- Preservor
- TMR Enhance-R Plus
- Prolong TMR Stabilizer

Animal Health
Animal health is a top priority and IBA carries an extensive line of boluses and powdered nutritional supplements. We can also provide some non-script injectables and vaccines. To complement this line we also offer syringes, needles, balling guns, magnets and many other animal health items.
- Biologicals
- Boluses
- Pharmaceuticals
- Injectables
- Intramammary Infusions
- Dewormers
- Scours, Diarrhea Products
- Nutritional Products
- Equine Products

Diagnostic Aids
The right information will allow you to properly care for your animals and IBA has several diagnostic tools/aids available to help in the decision making process.
- Mastitis Detection
- Diagnostics for Reproductive and General Health

Livestock Instruments
Dehorners, OB handles/chain, OB gloves, balling guns, drenchers, hoof knives/trimmers and even scissors are a part of IBA’s complete line.
- Dehorning Instruments
- Rhinehart Dehorners
- Barnes Dehorners
- Castrating Instruments
- Obstetric Instruments
- Balling Guns
- Pumps, Drenchers and Applicators
- Hoof Care Instruments
- Hoof Knives
- Surgical Instruments
- Syringes and Needles
- Miscellaneous Live Stock Instruments
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If you have a question or looking to find your local IBA Dealer,
please contact us and we will respond as soon as possible!