Milking Unit and Milk Handling Equipment
A broad line of Milk Handling Equipment and Milking Units designed to meet the needs of modern dairy operations. This line is comprised of many items unique to IBA, as well as many OEM and aftermarket milk-handling components.
IBA also offers OEM / Aftermarket parts for many other milk handling components for product lines such as DeLaval, BouMatic, Surge, Westfalia, Universal, Mueller and others.
- IBA Top Unloading Milker Claws
- IBA CIP Jetter System
- Gaskets for Milking Systems
- Sentinel Vacuum Regulators and Relief Valves
- Pulsator Control Panels
- P.C. Boards
- Repair Kits

Inflations, Shells, Tubing, Gaskets
An extensive offering of inflations in both rubber and silicone with many proven and patented designs that milk the highest producing cows in the USA. This offering would not be complete without stainless steel shells which IBA can also provide.
Plastic, rubber and silicone milk tubing in multiple sizes for any brand of equipment. Air tubing is also available in rubber and plastic.
- IBA ProFlex Inflations
- IBA Vision Inflations
- Short Milk Tubes
- Lid Gaskets for Bucket Milkers
- Gaskets for Milking Systems
- Milk Tubing
- Air Tubing
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please contact us and we will respond as soon as possible!